What is a true eclectic to do when her passions lead her in different directions?
This is a blog for the unfocused, the round pegs in the square holes, the short-attention span types, and all those who just can't bring themselves to join the ranks and adhere to a single category of activities or interests...whether sketches, drawings and comics, fixing an old farmhouse in Oregon, or whatever else strikes my fancy.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Maxine's BD: A Search for Meaning (ca. 10-08)

...Where Maxine reflects on the years passing by.


  1. Would love to see a picture from "perm days."

  2. Please, please don't think you are all alone in feeling this way. You may yet be able to get to the place where you appreciate who you are and what you have. I don't regret rearing 6 children, but doing that slowed my artistic and creative development...or maybe I should say changed it. I wouldn't be the artist I am if I hadn't lived the life I lived. Thanks for sharing your true self.

  3. you're not selfish and ungrateful!
    you're just having FEELINGs
    It will get better
    believe me!

  4. You can't go back and redo. All we can do is go forward making the most of today. And tomorrow the same. I think you are feeling your age is all. We find out we don't really have forever after all but then we seem to adjust -somewhat. This sounds dismal. I didn't mean it too.
