What is a true eclectic to do when her passions lead her in different directions?
This is a blog for the unfocused, the round pegs in the square holes, the short-attention span types, and all those who just can't bring themselves to join the ranks and adhere to a single category of activities or interests...whether sketches, drawings and comics, fixing an old farmhouse in Oregon, or whatever else strikes my fancy.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Faces at the Auction (01-07-11)

While at the auction, I drew the auctioneer and some of the people working there. It's tricky to catch someone's expression as they are speaking with their mouth open...


Auction worker

Auction worker

Man in the crowd


  1. great sketches - you're expressions are really interesting. well done xk

  2. Nice auction sketches--I think the one of the second auction worker is especially fine!

  3. These are wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing them!

  4. Thanks for the comments. It's a challenge to draw people who are constantly moving...

  5. I love your quick sketches. I really struggle with this type of drawing, so appreciate your skills!

  6. I know what you're saying about drawing a mouth of someone who is talking!! These are really good!
