What is a true eclectic to do when her passions lead her in different directions?
This is a blog for the unfocused, the round pegs in the square holes, the short-attention span types, and all those who just can't bring themselves to join the ranks and adhere to a single category of activities or interests...whether sketches, drawings and comics, fixing an old farmhouse in Oregon, or whatever else strikes my fancy.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

From imagination: Woman face (ca. ???)

Another image from the brush pen series.
Although the precise strokes may look effortless, it took a lot of thinking to get the lines just where I wanted them, since these drawings were done straight with no pencil drafts.


  1. I really love these! Makes me feel like selling bootleg prints ;)

  2. Hmmm... As you know, these images ARE copyrighted; better let the artist profit from her own work ;)
